

Productos Fernandez in Chile launches pasta line


Productos Fernandez in Chile launches pasta line

A pioneer in bringing some "Listo" pasteurized and sterilized ready-meals to the market in Chile, with local flavors, Producto Fernandez decided to install technology to produce pasteurized and frozen pastas ready-meals. They have integrated cutting-edge systems using thermal treatment for product stabilization and IQF for freezing.

They are offering 4 different dishes: bolognese, spinach, cheese and ham lasagnas and cannelloni in 2 different tray sizes.

Thanks to Lagarde steam and air retort technology, they achieved a high quality home-made style pasteurized product with 30 days shelf life.

R-FoodTech, with offices in Chile, has been involved from Lagarde retort line design, installation supervision, commissioning, services optimization and production cycle time improvement.

For more information, please feel free to contact us.
